Monday, March 18, 2013

3/2 and 3/9 VDO Visiting Artists: Film/Video: Colin Howard and Visual Arts: Taylor Giali and Mitch Cox

For the past two weeks, the Valle del Oro Nomad crew worked with visiting artists Colin Howard, Taylor Giali, and Mitch Cox to create animated loops and collages using images of the neighborhood they shot themselves.

Cartoon Network animator Colin Howard was the first visitor of our brand new Film/Video Visiting Artists lab and his class was such a success it extended for an extra hour both days. All participants of Film/Video are also in Alfredo's Beat Lab and created their own music tracks for their animations which you can watch here:

as well as this one, which refuses to upload properly:

 Though we don't have any photos of Colin teaching, there is photographic evidence of him doing crunches with the kids in lieu of dance class since our poor dance teacher was out sick.

Taylor Giali and Mitch Cox returned for their 2nd visit after helping us kick off the Visual Artists Visiting Artists Lab in Fall 2012. This time around, they provided the participants with disposable cameras which they used to document the complex. The next week, the kids created some great collages out of their own material. Hopefully we'll have scans of the collages up soon but in the meantime, here are some photos Taylor and Mitch took of that process.

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