Outstanding musician Alfredo Miranda begun his individual and group guitar sessions as part of NOMAD LAB's offerings. There are still some open spots and, if you are interested in registering, please contact Evelyn Serrano at 661 755 6974.
The Creative Voice Lab, led this past Saturday by Carmina Escobar, continued exploring the wide range of our individual and collectives Voices. We played with our voices, performed "characters", sang and had lots of fun.
In the Public Art/Creative Writing Lab we spent some time out in the community drawing and learning how to capture reality on paper through gesture drawing, sketching and coloring. This will be the basis of a multi-layered collective mapping project.
And, we had our first participants from The Vistas Condominiums who will continue to join us for the rest of our Spring sessions!!
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to do a presentation about NOMAD LAB and the beautiful collaborative work that we have accomplished with our awesome partners (the neighbors, the VDO Neighborhood Committee, the property managers, the City, and our super-talented generous teaching artists) . All in attendance were moved by our work, by our efforts to turn the Valle del Oro neighborhood around through pacific means, through collaboration, true partnership, inclusivity and creativity. I was inspired by their responses to our work and their words of encouragement.
See you at NOMAD LAB tomorrow!

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