The NOMAD LAB community will together foster:
• Respect, compassion and tolerance of all the members of our community regardless of their age, class, race, sexuality, gender, profession, religion, ability, etc.
• Equity and diversity and the understanding of these terms through thought and action
• The individual and collaborative exploration of our personal voices, our histories and stories and those of our community
• Dialogue in all its form, even when it may be difficult or challenging in its subject matter; we will practice active questioning, mindful listening, critical thinking and respectful disagreement
• Generosity in sharing and collaboration
• Trust in and respect for each others’ talents, capabilities and unique voices
• Care and respect for our space, private property and common property, including furniture, equipment and program materials
• Respect for our precious shared time: members will make every effort to follow through with their commitment to excellent attendance, active participation and completion of program-related projects
The NOMAD LAB community does not tolerate:
• Any acts of physical violence
• Any alcohol/drug use or smoking
• Property damage
• Behavior that is offensive or abusive to others
• Verbal attacks that are meant to shut down dialog or discourage others from contributing
• Intolerance of any kind on the basis of class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, profession, religion, age, ability, etc.